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Forrest Yoga Advanced Teacher Training Morning Intensives with Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco


September 26th - October 4th, Intensives run from 8:00am - 12:30pm daily

Experience this brand new opportunity to practice a blissful yoga practice and Ceremony with Ana and Jose, without taking the teacher training program. Join them, and their teacher trainees every morning for a full immersion into Ceremony and a 3.5-hour Forrest Yoga class that will ignite your Spirit and set you up for the rest of your day. If you're planning on taking the Forrest Yoga Advanced Teacher Training but would like to know a little bit about it first, let these sessions act as a little teaser for you.

Ana and Jose will teach the traditional Ceremonies of Forrest Yoga. Each day is a magical experience for your body, mind and Spirit:
• Up-level your personal practice
• Enjoy investing in your own self-care
• Detoxify your body and your mind
• Learn to work with and heal any injuries you may have
• Experience ways to make advanced poses accessible

The morning sessions are open to yoga teachers and experienced yoga practitioners of all yoga styles.

You can choose to either book single days for $120 each day or the full 9 days of the training, $1900 for all sessions.

To book day 8 and 9 you must have participated in one or more of the previous days of the morning intensives.